Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Circumcised

They are.......


Men of valor, courage, and great wisdom. They make New York what it is-- the filthy, greedy, smelly, ambitious capital of the world. They are sold on there faith-- Judaism. They willingly where dorky and unnaturally stuffy apparel just because Yaweh told them so. They eat more unleavened bread then there slender, fitly, in-shape bodies can handle. And i dont know what they have more of-- hair or holidays. They slice the end of their !@#$%* off to make their god happy. Such dedication is so hard to come by these days.

My Family, let us not be out-done by the jews, rather let us excell to new heights and levels, such as jews have not seen before.


Pseudonym_e said...

So Marko, are you circumcised??? We'd really like to know...

Aslkajack said...
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